Friday, April 23, 2021

Let's fly! 🦋

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Late pledges now available
for the largest STL Kickstarter ever.

Airships Campaign
by Arcane Minis
The original 5e adventure

Get the PDF,
70+ STLs, and all stretch goals.
Reach for the Sky
Female Barbarian
Barbarian Chieftain
Barbarian Champion
3D print by Ruduster
See More
You can win big prizes in the Mechanical Maker competition! 

Share a video of your functional Mechanistic design
for a chance to win an Anycubic Mega X.

Best of luck to these entries...
Mini Mechanica
Tourbillon Mechanica
Time to Win
Back Everything Egypt from Miniatures Craze.

Pledge now for...
⚔️ Warriors
🕸️ Dungeon tiles
🐴 Chariots and statues
Join Pyramid Scheme
Scan The World has partnered with Google Arts and Culture to showcase 3D scans of historical artefacts from museums!
Find out More

Join the Community


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